Wednesday 8 April 2020

State of Emergency Post 8

I don’t know how you mothers are coping with all of this stress! Today I completely lost it. My inner child threw a temper tantrum that went on for a good 40 minutes. She was absolutely inconsolable. I tried reasoning with her, yelling at her; I tried to express empathy. Nothing worked.

Finally Betty came up with the idea of singing to her as a form of distraction. I can’t imagine what would have happened if Betty hadn’t been there.

Betty did the most brilliant rendition of “I’m a Little Teapot“ that I have ever heard. It was so authentic, so real, and straight from the heart. When she sang “Here is my handle, here is my spout” you could see she was sincere. When she got to the whole, “Tip me over and pour me out” part, real tea came out. It was so amazing to watch, and my inner child calmed right down.

I realized that Betty had bought me some time, but if I didn’t find something to occupy my inner child, before long she would be whining again.

Since today is nine months until Christmas, I decided it would be fun to use our extra time to prepare for that.

I wrapped up all the presents and have tucked them away until Christmas. This year we are going with a “reduce, reuse, recycle” theme so all of the gifts were taken from what I have already.

Although there is still a bit of snow on the ground, it feels like spring is about to burst open. Since I won’t be needing them for some time, I wrapped up my mittens and scarves and will open them at Christmas time when such an item will be a welcome gift.

Who knows what the world will be like by Christmas? Despite the uncertainty, some things are a pretty safe bet. For example we can count on one of two possible outcomes in regards to paper. Either by Christmas people will be using toilet paper as gift wrap, or gift wrap as toilet paper.

Today (March 25) is also the Feast of the Annunciation so hopefully you are finding ways to celebrate, indoors of course. I’m going to open a can of chili and melt some cheese on it.

If you’re finding other ways to celebrate, just remember that nine months from now the most crowded ward in hospitals will be the maternity ward. You might want to plan ahead.

If you’re out of work now don’t fret. Many jobs will soon be hiring back. There will be many others that open up before long. Maternity nurses and midwives for example will soon be in short supply.

On the subject of health and well-being, I’m out of my splint. Part of me thinks I took it off a little too soon, but the shovel was really scratching up my hardwood floors. I didn’t intend to take it off for a few days, but I needed the duct tape to wrap the presents. At first it was just one piece, but then I needed another and another. Very soon there was not enough to hold the splint together securely enough and that is when I decided to remove it.

I’m using the broom pole as a walking stick, and this is helping me keep the weight off of my right leg. Thanks for all or your messages of concern; I’ll take it easy, but it looks like the injury is on the mend.

The photo shows Tubby Washington checking out the remains of my splint. You can see Carmelle laughing. She said, “Remember yesterday when you broke everything while you were breakdancing? You’re a real Ginger Rodgers!” She was doubled over laughing for several minutes. I don’t get no respect!

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