I feel so inadequate. Several days into the state of emergency many Canadians are still in denial of the seriousness of the situation. Meanwhile the home schooling moms are making us all look bad.
They were the only ones prepared for this pandemic. Within the first hour of the state of emergency being declared their kids were all live streaming concerts from their living rooms. They all look like the Von Trapp Family Singers.
Not only have all of their kids memorized the entire sound track from The Sound of Music their kids are singing along with the Italians. They know all of the Italian opera arias.
Why wouldn't they? These kids all speak six languages.
An hour later home school families were teaching the nation. These moms were sharing online educational resources for panicked parents, all of which they just happened to have on hand.
Meanwhile I was still trying to figure out how to upload a photo to Facebook from my phone.
I figured it out now thanks to a tutorial posted by a home school mom. In searching for it I discovered several of these moms are giving science lectures aimed at developing a vaccine for Covid19. Their prospects look promising.
Several of them have set up labs in their kitchens where prior to the pandemic they used to make soap and homemade bread.
Is there nothing these women can't do?
Their biggest problem is consoling their kids who are upset about not being able to get to church this week.
I'm posting this video for all of the regular moms out there whose kids are fighting more because of the stress. I don't even have kids but the only two creatures I'm responsible for are still fighting. I have some idea of what you're going through.
I know some home school mom is going to send me a link to online spelling and punctuation classes after posting this. Just bear in mind I'm typing this on my phone in my shed where the light is not very good.
This video shows my cats Carmelle and Tubby Washington. Pay careful attention to the two dots under the blanket. Those are Tubby' s eyes.
Whether you're a wonder woman home schooling mom or a regular old mom just trying to keep your kids from killing each other, keep the faith. Your kids need you now more than ever. This too shall pass.
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