Wednesday, 8 April 2020

State of Emergency Post 13

I hired a life coach. I had to do it. On Monday night I started talking to a bag of onions. We stayed up all night crying.

I hired the life coach Tuesday morning, because well like I said I was talking to a bag of onions. It wouldn’t have been so bad if I was just talking to them, but I was listening to them too. They had so much to say. We had a real connection. It was the first time in weeks since I spent time with a group. It felt so good just to release some of the emotions.

People misunderstand onions. They are very complex individuals; they have so many layers. Many from the onion community are working hard to help people with their social distancing. Onion breath is so effective at keeping people away.

Anyway, Kerry the Kettle thought maybe I was in a bit over my head and suggested that maybe a life couch could help get me back on track. She has a friend who just recently became a life coach and I started working with her right away.

She used to work in food services, and because she doesn’t have a lot of clients yet, she was able to find an opening for me right away. We’ve met twice and I can honestly say she is really cut out for this new career.

A lot of baggage came up in our first session but she was super calm and walked me through the emotions. She has a will of iron and can really take the heat. She’s brilliant. Her name is Pam the Pan.

We start each session by releasing negative emotions.

She has this little mantra we shout out at the beginning of each session after doing some breath of fire. (That made me really self-conscious at first because I had eaten so many onions the night before). The mantra goes, “Don’t say you can’t you know you can! Anyone can with Pam the Pan!” We say this ten or twelve times getting louder and louder each time. It’s really effective.

The first issue we dealt with was my low self-esteem; it’s been plummeting since the whole home haircut incident. We worked through my options about how to deal with the problem. Long term, I just have to believe it will grow back. Pam the Pan did encourage me to wear a hat on my date with Robin because she says there is no point in traumatizing him too.

I’ve decided wearing the bike helmet is my best option. At first I was going to wear a tuque, but when I tried it on, Carmelle said I looked like one of the Mackenzie Brothers. She’s been doing the call of the Great White North every time I walk into the room. Then just for kicks she says, “Hey take off eh! Oh guess you can’t take off you’re stuck inside.”

The picture shows Pam the Pan hanging around my kitchen. I feel blessed that she is in my life. I'm grateful for the onions too; we all need a good cry sometimes.

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