Thursday, 9 April 2020

State of Emergency Post 17

I really need to start disciplining my cats more. As you can see from the photo Carmelle is not only climbing on the furniture, she also stuck her tongue out at me. But before I can discipline my cats, first I need to discipline myself. For many years I’ve worked at being a disciplined person trying to bring constant improvement to my morning routine. Now I don’t have ANY morning routine.
Chris Hadfield made a video several days about how we can learn something from astronauts and how they self-isolate. He made it sound so simple. It’s not. I just want a little bit of routine back in my life.
I realized today that many of the things I accomplish on a typical morning are triggered by the thought “Complete this action before you leave.” Since I haven’t been leaving, except to go to the shed, I keep forgetting to do the most basic of things, like brushing my teeth.
This morning I filed and painted my nails and was feeling pretty smug about having accomplished these tasks but then I realized that once again I had forgotten to brush my teeth. Apparently Chris Hadfield has a video on tooth brushing too. In case I forget how the task is done, I may need to watch the video.
I’ve been thinking about space and astronauts a lot recently. Several days ago I planted many seeds and they are starting to sprout. My living room looks like that scene from the movie Mars where Matt Damon plants the potatoes.
Tubby Washington has been causing a few problems by uprooting the poor little seedlings; I can’t wait for it to be warm enough to plant the seeds because she may destroy my crops completely before too long.
It seems like spring is about to burst open here in Palmer Rapids. There is a nice patch of green grass over the septic tank, and many birds have returned to the yard.
I keep thinking because Easter is on Sunday, that spring will start in launch itself in full any day now and that things will go back to normal. This has been the longest Lent ever. Hopefully it will make us all appreciate the mystery of Easter at least a little more.

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