Wednesday 8 April 2020

State of Emergency Post 10

Count down to date night with Robin has begun! I’m so nervous! The table is set; it was hard to strike the right balance between classy and casual especially since I couldn’t get out to the store.

To cover all the bases, I used my every day plates instead of the fine china, and also used a casual pair of cloth napkins from my picnic set.To jazz things up a bit, I used my good silverware, a gold Christmas table cloth, and a candle from my Advent wreath.

People tell me it’s still Lent but in regards to time, I can’t be sure of anything anymore. Hopefully mixing up the seasons this way sends a subliminal message that says, “Hey buddy I’m here for you all year long.”

I happened to find the Advent candles while searching for Christmas wrap the other day. This made me feel like I’m really starting to get a grip on my homemaking skills. I couldn’t find the candles during Advent but now I feel really prepared for the next one.

The candles were lit with my emergency supply matches, which you can see next to Betty. As I told you yesterday, Betty will be minding my cats during the date night. This leaves me a little concerned because there was a bit of an unfortunate incident with Betty this afternoon.

I was frantically cleaning me house and trying to make it look a little homier and a little less like the Diefenbunker when I picked up Betty and washed her along with the other dishes.

At first I thought I merely smudged her makeup, but in fact I removed her entire face. I can fix this later and just hope it doesn’t hinder her ability to mind the cats. Anyway it probably won’t.

I’ve downloaded a few free images from various museums for the cats to colour to help keep them busy and out of mischief (got that tip from a homeschooling mom). Hopefully they don’t give Betty any problems.

Robin and I are having salmon for dinner because it’s Friday (so people say anyway; I have no idea what day it actually is anymore). The music is set and I have just enough time to change my outfit one more time. This will be my fifth wardrobe change in the last hour, but I think each time it’s an improvement.

Fingers crossed, hopefully the evening goes well! I’ve uploaded another photo of Robin for people who missed yesterday’s post.

If you are just joining the updates now, the previous nine posts are public on my Facebook page.(Thanks to everyone who has been reading along and sharing them).

For new readers who want to get up to speed quickly, I’m a writer in rural Ontario who has been locked up with her two cats, a teapot and a kettle for what seems like a very, very long time. We are doing our best to flatten the curve by staying indoors, but like many of you experience trials from day to day.

Yesterday I struck up a conversation with Robin, the man on the Robin Hood flour bag, and we really hit it off. He is coming over for a date tonight. I’ve been out of the dating scene for quite some time, as many of you may have guessed.

Apparently quite a few people assumed I would never meet a man here in Palmer Rapids, so they have been commenting with both joy and surprise about this recent development in my life. Please pray it all goes well.

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