Friday, 12 September 2014

Shipment to the Mountain #4

This post is part of a series of posts on developing creativity and sharing your art with the world; in other words its about creating and shipping, no matter what. You can read previous Shipments to the Mountain here, or come back to them at some later time. If you'd like to see particular issues relating to creativity covered, or if you have a specific question you would like answered, please drop me a note at katrinaboguski (at) I enjoy receiving e-mails from readers and will do my best to reply with 2-3 days. If you do not get an answer by then, please resend your message as spam filters sometimes prevent messages from reaching me.


  1. Musical Notes
  2. A list of song lyrics
  3. Hot off the Espresso
  4. A quote of the week
  5. Artful challenge
  6. Word of the week
  7. Frugal Recipe
  8. Listening Suggestions
Musical Notes:

The musical high point of the week was receiving a link to the newly released version of Alabama boy. This project came together thanks to the creativity and hard work of Robert Adam Plant. It was a real treat to work with him and to listen to my lyrics sung by Sarah Warren to the music Robert wrote. The tune will be available for purchase shortly, but you can get a sneak  preview here.

This Week's Lyrics: 

Please listen to and share the newly released version of Alabama Boy. It will be available for purchase soon, but you can have a sneak preview here.

Quote of the Week:

"Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn't really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That's because they were able to connect experiences they've had and synthesize new things."
Steve Jobs

Artful challenge for the week:

A Picture is Worth a Thousand words Challenge 

This week draw something. Don't bother saying you can't draw, just do it. You don't need to show the drawing to anyone (unless you want to). You don't need to get any special equipment, just grab a pen or pencil and draw something on any paper. Use the back of an envelope, a cocktail napkin or anything you have available.

If you can't think of anything to draw from your imagination, try looking at a simple item like a tea cup or a flower. Draw it quickly; focus on one part of the object; draw it "accurately" or draw an abstract version of it...just draw. If you still can't do it, just put a bunch of dots on a page and start connecting them; a picture will emerge sooner or later.

Avoid drawing on the side buildings unless you are the property's owner. 

Word of the week:


Much or creativity is about this word. Creativity is about the practice, the starting over, the trying again, the continuing without a map and the waiting; through all of this, persistence is essential. Look up the word and use it. If you come to  stumbling block, a bump in the road or an obstacle you can't get seem to get through, ask yourself the hurdle is really the problem or if it is your lack of persistence. Most people don't need more talent, they need more persistence. The good news is you can develop it, you guessed it, through persistence.

Frugal Recipe: Celery and Red Cabbage Salad

Wash several stalks of celery and about half as much red cabbage.
Cut the celery into bite-sized pieces
Chop the red cabbage into very, very fine slices; you can also shred it.
Add a handful or raisins.
Add salt, pepper, and chopped garlic to taste.
Pour equal parts oil and vinegar over top, just enough to coat the vegetables but not too much; you can use olive oil or other types of salad oil. Cider vinegar or balsamic vinegar will add additional flavor, or use white vinegar if that is all you have.
Refrigerate the mixture for several hours or over night; this will help the flavors mix  in.  If you don't let it sit, the cabbage flavor may be overpowering.
Just before serving, top with your favorite protein sources such as canned tuna, tofu, nuts and seeds or cooked chicken.

This recipe is healthy and delicious. You can make a large bowl of it and have leftovers for a few days.

Listening Suggestions:
  1. Along Came Mary The Association
  2. You've Got a Friend James Taylor
  3. The Times They Are A changing Bob Dylan
  4. City of  New Orleans Arlo Guthrie

Next "Shipment to the Mountain" ships on Thursday for anyone who wants it. Please share this post with others who may enjoy the read.



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