Saturday, 31 December 2011

Just One Note From You

Just One Note From You
November 2011

The words you say can change my day,
With just one note from you
I can turn my thoughts and dreams around
I can pick myself up off the ground,
With just one note from you

Some thoughts are just worth noting
Some works are just worth quoting
Some songs are just worth singing,
Over, and over, and over, and over,

The rainbow never once refused to shine
And sometimes when the raindrops fall
And when I haven’t had a call
I feel the tears begin to well

At that point in my despair
Between the raindrops or the teardrops
Or the backdrops of memories,
It is there. In the space between sighs
There a note appears dispelling all my fears

Spelling words and spilling rhymes
Like the rainbow and its lines
My lines appear when some
Hope filled light begins to shine

Then reading note or hearing song
Suddenly there’s nothing wrong
My tears were simply prisms
All the breaks and all schisms
Where once I saw a void
Now I see a space, like the ones that
Mark the place between the notes
In greater space a greater hope

I see lines appear like a rainbow in the sky
And one note, one word is all it takes
To turn the tide to fill the space
To quell the fear, to bring the peace
My ears attentively await
And that next note anticipate

Appalachian Moonlit Night

Like a scene from some young boy’s dreams
She just appeared in those cut off jeans,
Like a page from a magazine,
She walked by like a beauty queen

Thumping heart and a nervous smile,
He looked up and he stared a while
She had the walk and she had the style
Had the look of a girl gone wild

She was Appalachian dynamite
Just one spark and she’d light the night
He was home from mining coal
Night like that there was just one goal

He’d sold his soul for that old black rock
He’d say hello but he could not talk
She walked by and she smiled at him
He felt the surge of a deadly sin

Virginia born and mountain grown
He got a whiff of that sweet cologne
He was getting ready to make his mark
Circling her like a hungry shark

Just as he was about to speak
Felt the hairs on his neck rise high
An old green Ford and her redneck pa,
Just drove in with his shotgun cocked

He took a breath and he stepped aside
He sipped his beer and he swallowed pride
He lost his chance but he saved his skin
Tempting moment but saved from sin

Her pa walked through that old bar door
He dragged her straight across the floor
Girl in left hand, gun in right,
Ain’t no boy gonna win that fight

The miner played some games of pool
It gave his heart some time to cool
It seems that night he played real well
Into his hands the bets just fell

Feeling strong and feeling fine,
Courage gained from sweet moonshine
He drove out to that girl divine
Picked her up in his beat up Chev
High octane and his engine revved

They drove that night to the county line
An old tin ring and some cheap red wine
He married her and he loved her so
They had some kids and they watched them grow

The years go fast and time just flies
They grow up before your eyes
Then ‘fore too long on a moonlit night
His own girl dressed in blue jeans tight

She struts in to some miners’ bar
He jumps in to his beat up car
He gets to the place and he knows the game
Every boy knows why he came

He’ll save her this time ‘n one time more
By dragging her across the floor
Girl in left hand, gun in right,
Ain’t no pa gonna win that fight

Appalachian dynamite
Will find a way to light the night
Miner boy you’d better run
Or that’ll be you with that cocked shot gun

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Motionless Revolt

Motionless Revolt
Katrina Boguski
(November 18, 2011)

Standing still upon the spot
Giving power to those who had it not
He sparked a motionless revolt
Dropping arms; he stood upon the holt

He stared silently waiting as he listened
Enemy blood, in ’s bright sun glistened
Dripping, drop on dripping drop,
His heart now loudly beating; his enemy’s now stopped

Hearing the last pulse as that man died at his feet
His taste for war was made replete
Seeing life fade out from the eyes of that other
He realized then it was his brother

Looking outward to the shaking ranks of frightened souls
Seeing piercing eyes peering out of foxes’ holes
He steadied his resolve and sucked in one more breath of wind
In that moment he was all aware that all are kith and each is kin

Nodding as though bidding clan good day
He turned his kilted form and walked away
Hearing the knell ring out from the kirk
He washed his hands of the devil’s work

That day he stirred the frightened hearts of men
As one by one, he led them through the fen
By the ancient graves they passed
Then each went home to hearth and home to weeping lass

Home to oatcakes, stew and tea
Home to peace and home to Thee
Home to tend the field she sowed
Enmity to amity turning earth where blood had flowed

Friday, 18 November 2011

Dive Right In

Dive Right In

October 3rd, 2011
Katrina Boguski

Sitting on the dock the other day,
I knew I still had more to say
Not wanting to rock the sea
I waited somewhat patiently

The stones that I once used to throw
Were lined up tightly in a row
Keeping track and keeping time
I stored them neatly in a line

All the rocks and all the words
All the bays and all the birds
Piled up filed up like they should
Feeling anything but good

Rock on rock, they mounted high
Brimstone falling from the sky
Then too much hale and too much rain
Just knocked me off my rock again

Salt of the earth, salt of the sea
A salty dog and a sultry me
Soon we all had more to see
And soon we all had more to be

Rock on, rock steady rock round the clock
Seemed like the wall of sea could talk
She said “Just throw one tiny rock
I’m vast and I can take the shock”

So throw I did, a word or two
And then I threw some off to you
Not knowing you that very well
I thought I might expect a swell

A seaside crash of criticism
A tidal wave of indecision
Splashing surge of pessimism
Followed aft by more derision
But somehow hope surged up instead
Different words than in my head
Meaning more than what was said
Hearing more than what was read

Changing out decaying rust
Replacing it with noble trust
Words just flowed; the speech just rushed
The final demon finely crushed

They started falling from my mind
Words were spoken now in rhyme
Sometimes painful, sometimes fine
Every thought a chant or chime

I’ve seen the tides of Fundy’s Coast
Met Father Son and Holy Ghost
Some tides change your point of view
Expose a different side of you

While turning water into wine
Woke prose and roused it into rhyme
He cast out demons far from shores
And whispered words to saintly whores
“Let he who’s sinless be the first to cast a stone”

With this my imperfections all came in
Reminding me of all I’d been
But insecurity nor duelling doubt
Could not change what I’d worked out

I could not throw more stones in to the sea,
Yet still Two Cents sang on in me
My sanguine side had been set free
So leaving rocks upon the pier
Leaving doubt and leaving fear
In that high tide of your career
Leaving sense and leaving sin
I found the answers deep within

With one fell drop and one fell sweep
Leaving past I dove in deep
Leaving current, leaving tide
I found answers deep inside
What priest once would not let you tell
Might still wash out with rhythmic swell
What confessors would not hear
Might still be whispered in some ear
So casting coins instead of stones or spells
I threw Two Cents into a well
Made a wish but will not tell

Depth of ocean depth of sea
Cannot contain the depth of me
Moving earth and rising deep
Somehow your song fit what I see
Like mamma’s, your Two Cents brought joy into my day
So tell your pop that you have earned your chance to play

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Naming - God's Peace

Naming - God’s Peace
(November 16th) Katrina Boguski

Every name contains a meaning
And a purpose to its sound
Every father has a hope
Even buried in the ground

Every child contains tomorrow
And a purpose he must find
Every father has a dream
Every one a different kind

Every traveller has a journey
And a purpose to his path
Every father has a memory
Which he stored up from the past

Never knowing when the path
Of the past and now might meet
Never knowing if his grave
Would be marking him beneath

Never knowing, ever hoping
Naming son for hope to come
Keeping past and future safe
He branded meaning into name

Never doubting your return
Never knowing his last day
He showed his wisdom
In the one word you might say

To hope “God’s Peace” might be restored
To hope “Son of God’s Peace” might be revealed
Wise James, buried in your grave
Dual purpose of a name is now revealed

Sleep James in the shallow of your tomb
Peace James to eternal rest be sent
The boys you raised now at last have met
Ending finally your very sad lament

Good James, houseboy to a nation yet to live
Deep eyes in your photo that they kept
Sweet James, keeping peace amid the war
Bright eyes smiling which once wept

"God’s peace" came and embraced your child
Undeterred by the jungle or the wild
Shooting photos of the child whom you did name
Teaching as you might have done the same

Know James, you raised them well
No pains, or tears or fears or war
Can destroy a person’s name
Finally “God’s peace” will have its reign

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

You Be My Village

(July 28, 2011)
by Katrina Boguski

You be my village
So I be a kid
You be my village as long as we live.

Africa, Africa dance in the sun
Africa, Africa your moment come
Children of Africa dance with me now
Children of Africa you show us how.

My weak granny mind me as long as she could
My mother she dead now, my papa be gone.
I sing to my village so they’d hear my song
But my village, my village it is all torn apart.
There only be fear now a pounding my heart.

Oh the guns and disease and the drought and no rain

I run to the next place looking for aid
But the sight of my body it make them afraid
So I run and run and I nowhere to go
I still be a child, I still need to grow

Africa, Africa dance in the sun
Africa, Africa your moment come
Children of Africa dance with me now
Children of Africa you show us how.

You be my village
So I be a kid
You be my village as long as we live.

So you be my village wherever you are
My days as child are already few,
How I do spend them is all up to you.

The white dove do tell me
You, run you no more
The white dove do tell me
It be different than before

Whom do you speak of?
Who is the dove?
I don’t know, I don’t know
I only know his love

The white dove he come to me
I lay on the ground
The white dove he say me
your village be found

Africa, Africa dance in the sun
Africa, Africa your moment come
Children of Africa dance with me now
Children of Africa you show us how.

You be my village
So I be a kid
You be my village as long as we live.

He sent me his village
To be my village too
He told me to play and to laugh in sun
He told me to smile child the village is come

He told me, he told me my village is you
He told me, he told me that you know what to do
He told me, he told me his village had it all
He told me, he told me you answered the call

I give you my hope now
I give you my smile
I give you my love now
It’s been here all the while.

Come, now, come one and come all
Come now, come answer the call
Come now, come near and come far
Come now, come play your part

Telling Time and Telling Tales

Telling time and Telling tales
Katrina Boguski October 4th 2011

Telling time and telling tales
Searching inward for the grail
Breathing in and breathing out
Casting fear and leaving doubt
Taking time and walking on
Breathing meaning into song

Whispering streams into the rivers they become
Loving peace and finding hope in everyone
Hear compassion hear the pain
Weaving wonders from their strain
Working Ovid’s precious metas into song
Moving memory just to urge my soul along

Metallurgic metanoia golden changes
Charged with mystery of mind
Mining hope from every struggle I can find
Tragic moments so compressed by all the years
Now like magic have made diamonds from my fears
Could have laughed instead of shedding all those tears

Short of breath, short on sleep
Another song just seems to creep
Moving over, moving mountains in my mind
Could this be true happiness I find?
Making something out of nothing all the time
Finding meaning; beating rhythm; hearing rhyme

Raging river meets the ocean at the sand bar on the beach
Bonds of time, bonds of shame have all been breached
Drawing lessons from the mysteries that they reach
Tear or stream, river or sea they’re all water flowing rapidly to teach
Metaphoric deep description of the shore
Beating meaning into languages once more 

Between mystic invitation and a fearful hesitation
Lies a moment where the truth begins to dwell
Weaving meaning from the stories that they tell
Leaving space between the words, there’s a story undeterred
Only Cause can fill the void in with his Word;
Now and then within his voice is sometimes heard
As I settle into listening mode again
I begin to hear the rhythm in my pen

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Static Inclination

Katrina Boguski
October 3rd, 2011

If the static inclination of one misconnected being
Taught me players write their love songs in the sand;
Then the moving inspiration of a stable curing band
Taught me healers write their songs from what they’re seeing

He had played a thousand tunes piling rocks within his room
He did strum and play his heart out while he drank,
I grew tired while smoke filled rooms grew dark and dank
Going insane and dying in pain in his living room

Revolutions on the table turning tunes of every label
Sounding music from the left side of his brain
Cutting out the rightful muse with every strain
RPMS of REM moved his eyes but never truly moved his soul
But then again that never really was his goal

Exposing music to a muse in different form;
And in so doing teaching pain could be the norm
He moved mountains just to place them in my way;
Saying, “Honey I’ll love you another day,
But for now you just sit here and beg and stay”
Now those doggone years of loving fade away

As the mountains stood before me they cast shadows in their way
Storing sense in every word like “Bodega Bay
Akin to frightening journeys with the Byrds
Poems can tip your head on what they say
Turning turn upon the turn of every word

So I capture them on paper rearranging what they say
Learning meaning from the point they leave my pen
Pent up symbols fuelling feeling now and then
I keep the shadows but the mountains fall away

Like the dog from RCA I incline my head
Hearing clearly all the words my master said
In the standing invitation of his voice
Now I feel that static inclination was his choice

Moving slightly to the right or moving rightly to the left,
He could have found his groove in very simple moves,
Turning baseness into bass or cutting tunes in the lines of the treble clef
Instead he kept the rut but lost the groove his face to save
The only thing that he could dig was his own grave

That was when I left for the other coast;
Trying to flee the ghastly shadow of his ghost
Which had moved in and then did live upon my street
Pulling heartstrings on the corner where we’d meet

Now I’m sailing most pacifically away;
No need to keep those shadow ghosts of mine at bay
But furling sheets of music penned from what they say,
At long last I’ve cleared the waves within my brain
I can finally hear the muse in every strain

Strapped unto the mast my compass I did find
Sailing past the siren voices in my mind
I find that finally I can see that I am sane
Like a pirate I have stolen all his gain,
Finding wealth within this treasury of pain
But he lost me when he got lost with Mary Jane

Monday, 17 October 2011

Oh Liberia

October 5th, 2011
Katrina Boguski
Oh Liberia!
I too feel your pain,
Different story but the same refrain
Right here, right next to you
Oh Liberia!

I saw your house and it set me free,
No roof and growing trees
Some might see a hanging post
But I met up with another ghost

Two small boys and a chimpanzee,
Oh you set me free,
You seemed so much like me
You showed me too what I had been
You reminded me what I had seen
Oh you set me free,
You seemed so much like me

Some have dogs and some have cats
Some have chimps but we all have pets
Right here, right next to you
Oh what could I do?

Photos took me to my own home,
The one where I had grown
My home lost its roof like yours
We all live through different wars

The mad man came to my home too,
Right here, right next to you
Oh Liberia!
Your summer is hot my winter is cold;
When Winters came the roof didn’t hold!
Oh Liberia!
Oh Liberia! Oh, Oh Liberia!!!

Winters came and he killed my cat
For years I couldn’t go back
Different blood; different ground
Same heart beating the same sad sound
Oh Liberia! Right here right next to you
Oh what can one child do?

The naked truth and the naked lie,
Right here, right next to you
Oh Liberia! Oh what could one man do?
Right here, right next to you

Oh, you set me free
When I discovered you were just like me
Right here, right next to you
Oh Liberia! Oh what could one girl do?
Right here, right next to you

They can take my house
And destroy my home,
They can burn my photos
And can break my bones
Right here right next to you
Oh what could we do?

One’s shots taken with different eyes
More important than he realized
Other shots drunken with blood shot eyes
So destructive and he agonized
Some sad stories just harmonize
Some worlds closer when the sun does rise

War shots fired from a different gun
Fly out faster than a child can run
Oh Liberia, we are just like you

Different bars in the same big zoo
Your sun shines the whole day through
We place eyes between the rails
The same big prison just different jails
Different cells the same big block
Different times the same big clock

Different skin some white some black
Oh we all go back
Two cells at the very start
Same sad sorrow in a different heart
Winters came and damage did
Oh we were only kids
Oh Liberia! Oh what did they do?
Oh to me, to you?

He’d kill for nothing; he’d kill for more
Same devil fighting in a different war
Same child crying in a different room
Same child lying in a different tomb
The same bad sorrow the bad fight
The same bad dream just a different night

Some burn photos, some a bridge
Same young soldier just a different badge
Same bad baggage just a different bag
Same old journey just a different leg
Same young traveller with a different pack
Oh we all go back

All of us get cast adrift
Same kid jumping off a different cliff
I anchor you, you anchor me
Same raft floating in a different sea

I see your house and I see those trees
I smell the surf I feel the breeze
Right here right next to me
Oh you set me free

Same old ruins in the same old spot
Oh we have grown a lot
We grew up and the trees grew tall
Oh I could hear your call
Oh, Oh Liberia!
Monkey see, and monkey do
Monkey tree grew at my ruins too

Same old puzzle the same old plot
Same old story I had forgot
Same old shadow was chasing me
Oh Liberia! Oh you set it free

No roof means the stars shine in
Some day soon we might begin
Seeing things that still could be
Living dreams that wake in me
Hanging in a jungle with a chimpanzee
Oh Liberia!

Some foundations are set in stone
Oh Liberia!
Some old photos just can’t be torn
Oh Liberia!
Some old memories just can’t get burned
Oh Liberia!
Some old lessons can still be learned
Oh, Oh Liberia!
Some old secrets just can’t be told
Oh Liberia!
Some old Winters are still too cold

Some cats don’t get all nine lives
Some dads see through different eyes
Some kids die and some kids live
Some folks take and some folks give

Oh Liberia, oh what could you see?
Oh what could you be? Oh Liberia!

Freedom starts with a different gaze
Living comes in different ways
Writing stories on a different page
Waking up in a novel age
Oh Liberia, oh what could you see?
Oh what could you be?
Oh Liberia! Freedom still lives on in me

The only difference between death and life
The only difference between peace and strife
Between being kept and being free
And the kind of being that we might be

It’s what we see in a different place
Within the space between the bars, 
Between the homes with only stars
Between the worlds, between the wars
Between the worlds between the words
Between the notes
Between the hopes
Oh Liberia!

See no evil only peace
Boat still drifting in a far off sea
See the smile upon my face
Walk a mile in a tiny space
Between the meaning in the lines
Between the memories in our minds
Between the space between you to me
Chimp still swinging in a jungle tree

The Job is not done

Katrina Boguski
October 12, 2011

The job is not done,
Not done, no not even begun
The job, the one you worked for
It’s still there just beyond the door

That loud annoying sound
That woke you late last night
That was opportunity, it finally came around
So go another round and get up for the fight

Just getting to the forum does make you champ
Just getting to the ring doesn’t win the prize
Just get up off the matt, regroup, rework, revamp
Just get up, just show up, just open up your eyes

Brawler that you are prepare another day
Clinch the fighter hitting you,
Your shadows and your doubts
Flash knockdowns do not count as out

You may have kissed the canvas
You may have cussed the referee
You may be on the ropes
But at least you still are free

Motive for a haymaker, motive for a win
Motive for a comeback, Motive for a moment
The one you’re living in
Open up the door and let that chance come in


Katrina Boguski
October 5 2011

Talmida and tell me true
What more meaning could I take from you?
Ketuvim and a coat of arms
Kettle drums and no more harm
Kettle boiling for a cup tea
All still learning what to see

Senseless words from senseless fright
Senseless lines and a whole new life
Sentence writ and sentence gone
Whole new life gets carried on
Whole new work and a whole new way
Whole new page gets wrote today

Tell me Talmid tell me too
What more meaning could I take from you?
Learning meanings and living songs
Leaving lines and leaving wrongs
Leaving lines upon my face
Some still learning fall from grace

Simple meanings simple lines
Simple chords and simple rhymes
Simply written in simple time
Working purpose and wanted sign
Working well and making sense
Working soon to pay the rent

Talmida and tell me true
What more meaning could I take from you?
Kitchen parties and kitchen sink
Catching thoughts for you to think
Kesef, coin and copper line
All still working for a different kind

Tell me Talmid tell me too
What more meaning could I take from you?
Understanding hope, in folk
Whole new meaning to invoke
Under siege and overcast
Some still hurting from a tortured past
Hope can move your thoughts from pain
Taking you toward different gain
Give out more than you take back
Hope can give you what you lack

All still learning how to feel
All things turning in a great big wheel
All still walking in different shoes
All still learning different news
Tell me Talmid, Talmida
Tell me truly what you saw
Tell me everything you know
Tell me how the future goes

Some Come Together

Katrina Boguski
October 5th, 2011

Some come together some fall apart
Some come loving with a different heart

Some go over some come back
Some bring peace and some attack
Some live mourning all their dead
Some bleed blue and some bleed red
Some have hunger some have bread
Some come lying in a different bed

Sun comes up and sun goes down
Some start losing what they have found
Some lose heart and some lose minds
Some lose dollars some just dimes
Each one betting on a different game
Each war ending much the same

Moonlit night and a dream
Tender moments with another being
All bring memories of another scream
Projected on to a different screen
Some come together some fall apart
Some come loving with a different heart

Some stories end and some never start
Some notes flat and some notes sharp
Some keys black some keys white
Some come together for another fight
Some sing songs and some fight fright
Some shoot guns and cry at night

Some hold arms and some hold hands
Some come together from different lands
Some shed tears and some shed blood
Some tears flow and some tears flood
Some taste life and some taste death
Some breathe spirit, some just breath

Each wave breaking on a different shore
Each song bringing out another chord
Each foot walking on a different floor
Each spirit walking through a different door
Each priest preaching out a different word
Each soul praising the same old Lord
Each one calling him a different name
Each knee bending just the same

Some tracks lie on different lines
Some truths revealed in different times
Some arrows fly and some just fall
Some friends write but some don’t call
Some get up and some get down
Some guys smile and some guys frown

Some have rhythm some have words
Some come crashing into different worlds
Some have more and some have less
Some conceal and some confess
Some have the excess others lack
Some men working on a different track
Some work breaking on a different back

Some kids will and some kids won’t
Some kid do and some just don’t
Some skip rope and some skip bail
Some be the hammer some be the nail
Some arrows swinging on a different rail
Some bars keeping us in different jails

Some play games and some play songs
Some write words and some right wrongs
Some folks teach and some folks learn
One bridge built another burned
Some graves cry and some graves turn
Some money stolen some gets earned

Some soldiers marching to a different drum
Some cry out for what they’ve done
Some drummers drumming to a different beat
Some soldiers marching home on different feet
Some fights begin with a fleeting need
Some wars started from a different creed

Some take a shot some shoot drugs
Some men hanging out with different thugs
Kandahar and Iraq
Some fall forward some fall back
Some come home Making Waves
Some got lost and some got saved
Some come together some fall apart
Some come loving with a different heart
Some come together…

Words to Mulholland

October, 8th, 2011
Katrina Boguski

Oh hey, hey Mulholland,
Oh hey, hey, old man
You’re a complex hero
I’m a complicated fan

Oh hey, hey Mulholland,
Oh hey, hey old man
You’re a California dreamer,
Born in Ireland

From school, to digging ditches
At the start of your career
Working hard each day,
Rose to chief engineer

You did change one city’s luck
Bringing water through that duct
Taking drought and doubt away
Became the father of L.A

You worked when clipper ships
Still sailed the sea
Though you couldn’t walk on water
You brought life to me

You took a group of hard rock miners
You rocked them night and day
And no matter what they say
You brought the water to L.A.

They could bring L.A. to the water
Or the water to the town
So you took mules, men and whiskey
And you brought that water down

Now I do know there’s more to say,
That your story ain’t all grand
The folks of Owens’ Valley
Lost the water in their land

It was a pretty big diversion,
You know I’ve had my digressions too
But every time I raise a cup
I still think about you

Oh hey, hey Mulholland,
Oh hey, hey old man
Water pipes ‘n heavy drinking
Is how that water run began

Then of course there was that day
At St. Francis dam
When water breached wall
Flooding all the land

Now I know you hung your head
When you thought about that day
I know you envied dead men
In the graves where they did lay

Being father of the city
Couldn’t take the pain away
Oh it wasn’t very pretty
Yeah we’ve all had bad days

Now they blamed you at first
Said ‘cause of you the wall did burst
The fields below immersed,
But they still quenched their thirst

Now hey, hey Mulholland you listen to me
There was something beneath the dam
That you simply could not see

Deep beneath the rock, well below the wall
There was a great big fault
And when that crack let loose
Dam opened like a vault

Oh hey, hey Mulholland,
Oh hey, hey old man
When mother earth is fractured
You don’t stand a chance

So go back to that victory day
When water flowed at will
Go back to that grand cascade
Roaring down that hill

You go back and say
I am the father of L.A.
“There it is; take it”
It flows out everyday

I’ll take my tin cup running
All the way back to you
It started with a vision
One I did have too

Oh hey, hey Mullholland
You ain’t all that bad
Days when I was crying
You were all I had

And now my words are flowing
Gushing like your steam
Oh hey, hey Mullholland
We have all got dreams!

Lullaby Revolution

Lullaby Revolution
Katrina Boguski
October 7th 2011

Oh child soldier lay down gun
Oh child soldier evening’s come
Oh child soldier lay down head
Oh child soldier sleep in your bed

Where do you sing from? I hear you clear
Where do you hail from? I feel you near
Bullets still hailing fast overhead
I cannot sleep now I might wake up dead

Oh child soldier close up your eyes
Oh child soldier I hear your cries
Oh child soldier bullets will cease
Oh child soldier sleep now in peace

What do you mean ma’am? The bullets still fly
What do you mean ma’am? How do you hear me cry?
I cannot see you amongst all this smoke
Day’s worth of killing in blood I am soaked

Oh child soldier I’ll wash it out
Oh child soldier don’t ever doubt
Oh child soldier please sleep in peace
Oh child soldier stain and fear release  

Why do you sing to me? Why do you care?
Why be your sweet words sounding my ear?
Maybe this killing was all I could take
Maybe I’m dreaming while I am awake

Oh child, no child really I care
Oh child, sleep, soon sunrise be here
Oh child rest now others rising too
Oh child slumber they’re rising for you

Who are these people you say rise up?
Who are they fighting? Will more war erupt?
Where do I run now? Where do I hide?
I’m so tired of killing and God knows I tried

Oh child no child they rise up calm
Oh child no child they don’t carry bomb
Oh child they rise up singing instead
Oh child, sleep now peaceful in your bed

I’m too tired to run off too tired to fight
I’m too tired to shoot back and still filled with fright
I am too young to die now I just want to weep
I am too young to die and your song makes me sleep

Yes child, yes child I know your fright
Yes child, yes child still sleep all night
Yes child, yes child I sing you to sleep
Yes child, yes child feel free to weep

O ma’am I hear you my arms growing tired
I can’t hold this gun up but still shots are fired
Enemy surrounds me; please sing to them as well
Maybe they hear you and sleep for a spell

Yes child yes child we sing to them all
Yes child yes child soon all guns do fall
Yes child yes child they hear too
Yes child yes child they’re tired just like you

Children now; enemy no more,
Just another sleepy child starting to snore
Shh! Child Shh! Child do you hear the sound?
Arms are getting heavy arms are falling down
Shh! Child Shh! Child do you hear that noise?
Eyes are getting heavy responding to our voice
Oh child turn now turning in your bed
A new revolution fought with song instead
Oh child wars start first with brutal words
Oh child long before a bullet is ever heard
Bullets fly by now, but words fly out too
Oh child peace words fly in lullabies to you  

Tuck in your head now, tight in your bed
Try to sleep softly remembering what I said
Take in the sweet air wafting from the sea
Turn in tonight child listening to me

Ahh I do hear you and hear guns no more
Ahh I do breathe the air wafting from the shore
Ahh I do close my eyes and start now to sleep
Ahh I do thank you for hearing us weep

Good night child, Good night child
Good night children all
Thank you for sleeping and hearing our call

The lullaby revolt has started tonight
The lullaby revolt will win without fight
The lullaby revolt keeps children in bed
The lullaby revolt keeps them living not dead

Sing now! Sing now! Sing now all!
Raise up your voices join in the call
Sing out a lullaby to some child tonight
Lullabies at bedtime are every child’s right

They’re our children now; enemy no more,
Just another sleepy child starting to snore
Shh! Child Shh! Child do you hear the sound?
Arms are getting heavy arms are falling down
Shh! Child Shh! Child do you hear that noise?
Eyes are getting heavy responding to our voice
Shh! Child, Shh! Child Shh! Child Shh!